Simulation of robotic tasks with VALIP system – Practical application

Simulation of robotic tasks with VALIP system – Practical application

1. Nikola Malešević, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Gabor Sziebig, Departmant of Industrial Engineering, Narvik, Norway
3. Bjorn Solvang, Narvik University College, Norway
4. Тихомир Латиновић, Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In manufacturing engineering, man-machine interaction has gone from typical online programming
techniques into virtual reality based offline programming methodologies. Today, a wide range of
offline software tools is used to imitate, simulate and control real manufacturing systems. However,
also these new methodologies lack capability when it comes to human-machine communication.

This paper aims to introduce a software platform, called VALIP, where users can build, share and
manipulate 3D content, and collaboratively interact with processes in a 3D context, while the
participating hardware and software devices can be spatially and/or logically distributed and
connected together via internet. This unique approach makes the VALIP outstanding among its
competitors. The paper also presents a practical solution to a production task.

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Датум: 20.03.2013.

DEMI 2013

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