1. Slađana Krstić, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
2. Milenko Ljubojev, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
3. Dušan Tašić, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
4. Ivana Jovanović, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
5. Jasmina Nešković, Mining institute, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia
6. Sanja Petrović, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Serbia
Flotation tailings dumps, in terms of environmental protection, represent a real risk on humans and the environment, regardless of whether they are in operating mode, or the process of disposal has been completed. In eastern Serbia, on the territory of Bor Municipality, there are two active flotation tailings dumps: Flotation tailings dump RTH and Flotation tailings dump Veliki Krivelj. Risk of environmental hazard can be high in one or more projected structures within the tailings dumps.
The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether the collector of the flotation tailings dump Velki Krivelj resistant to accident situations. Potential accidental situation can lead to extreme pollution of Borska reka, subsequently Timok and Kriveljska reka, and finaly Danube. Visual observation of entrance and exit portal of collector, show that the concrete structure is stable and safe in terms of functionality. Noticeably higher damages exist on spherical sections of metal coatings, and breakthrough of contaminated drainage water is present at 70th and 80th meter of the collector (chainage 0 + 200 m). The level of water is significantly increased at the exit portal of collector as well as blurring of Kriveljska Reka is observed.
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Тематска област:
Системско инжењерство, ризици, менаџмент и савремени трендови