1. Jasmin Zvorničanin,
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Zlatko Mušanović, JZU univerzitetski klinicki centar Tuzla,
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Vahid Jusufović
Objective: The study objective is to review the management (cataract phaco surgery and intraocular lens implantation of displaced lens) caused by zonular weakness.
Purpose:Traumatic lens displacements and pseudoexfoliation syndrome are the most common causes of zonular weakness. Inherited causes for zonular weakness and hence lens instability, includs Marfan’s syndrome, homocystinuria, Weill-Marchesani syndrome, microspherophakia, retinitis pigmentosa and lens coloboma. A hypermature cataract, post- vitrectomized eye and intraocular neoplasms are other causes of zonular weakness. Phacoemulsification is usually the procedure of choice for patients with zonular dehiscence.
Method: It is a case of a patient who has suffered head injury In childhood in temple area, patient did not have any subjective visual difficulties until 5 months ago, when she noticed a decline in vision acuity. Preoperatively eye status was cataract with zonular weakness, iridodonesis and iridodyalisis. Videos case with catarctous subluxated lenses and zonular loss are presented.
Conclusions: The capsular tension ring was implanted successfully patient eye. After several follow-ups we did not notice signs of intraocular lens decentration or extrusion of the ring through the bag. Capsular tension rings reduce the risk of intraoperative and postoperative complications and improve patient outcomes.
Key words:zonular weakness; cataract surgery; capsular tension ring
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