Surgigal approach to strabismus treatment

Surgigal approach to strabismus treatment

1. Jasmina Alajbegović-Halimić, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Intraductions: In this report, we would like to confirme big dilemmas regarding choice of strabismus surgeries approach inspite of all known surgical principles.Sometimes and big disappiontments with the results.

Material & methods: In retropspective study from 2008 until 2012, we included 210 operatedatines in total 240 surgeries.Results:we had 181 (86,1%) children and 29 (13,81%) adults patinets, type of strabismus esodeviations 152 (72,3%), exodeviatiosn 40 (19,94%), thirderve palsy 9 (4,28%) cases, abducens palsy 5 (2,3%), Duan syndrom 4 (1,9%), Nystagmus cvases 4 ( 1,9%), MOI hyperfunction 19 (9,04%), consecutive exo 4 ( 1,9%).No general anestesia complications and postoperative compliocations we had 2 (0,95%) conjunctival cyst and 1(0.47%) postoperative diplopia.

Conclusions:Choice of surgigal tretment is sometimes very difficult nad sometimes very disappointed.Good preoperative conservative tratment is very important.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: strabizam i ambliopija

Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 27.03.2012.

Бр. отварања: 800

II Kongres oftalmologa BiH

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