Technical and Economic Development of the Photovoltaic Electricity in Bulgaria

Technical and Economic Development of the Photovoltaic Electricity in Bulgaria

1. Plamen Tsankov, Technical University of Gabrovo , Bulgaria
2. Milko Yovchev, Technical University of Gabrovo, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Ecology 4 Hadzhy Dimitar str., Bulgaria

The report presents technical and economic data on the development of photovoltaic electricity in Bulgaria in recent years. The mix of different types of conventional and renewable energy sources in the country's electricity system is shown. The changes in the installed photovoltaic capacities and the price of electricity from them for the studied period are shown in tabular and graphical form. The number of photovoltaic power plants and their distribution by groups of individual powers are shown. Brief technical and economic data for some of the largest photovoltaic power plants in Bulgaria are provided. The analysis of the data shows the short period of rapid development of the construction of high-capacity photovoltaic power plants after the introduction of high feed-in tariff for the purchase of photovoltaic electricity, as well as the influence of the installed photovoltaic capacities on the market change of the feed-in tariff in time. There is a sharp decrease in the cost of the feed-in tariff with an increase in the volume of installed photovoltaic capacity and even its removal for larger-capacity photovoltaic power plants. Examples are given of the economic profitability of a grid-connected and autonomous photovoltaic systems in Bulgaria. The analysis and conclusions of the report may be helpful in determining government policies and market conditions to promote the development of renewable energy sources.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: СИМПОЗИЈУМ А - Наука материје, кондензоване материје и физикa чврстог стања

Датум: 30.06.2019.

Contemporary Materials 2019 - Савремени Материјали

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