Years 2004 and 2007 were landmark dates for the 10 countries of the region of Central and Eastern Europe, and refer to two rounds of enlargement of the European Communities. Since the first EU enlargement to the East have passed now 8 years, which allows a summary of the economic consequences of beginning these new Member States. Joining the European Union resulted in positive but also negative effects, which had a significant impact on socio-economic transformation in the new EU member states.
The paper presents the most important effects of the accession of Central and Eastern European countries to the European Union, in particular the acceleration of economic growth and the diminution of the gap in the level of development in comparison to EU-15 Member States.
For the 10 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the EU accession meant increased investment attractiveness of the region, and, as a result, an increase of the inflow of foreign direct investment. An important stimulus for economic growth was also the intra-EU27 trade, mainly in terms of exports.
An important effect is also the inflow of EU funds to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which significantly affects various areas of the economies of new member states, contributing to their modernization and to the acceleration of development.
Data analysis carried out for the article shows the transformation that took place in the new Member States of the region Central and Eastern Europe. The data gathered from the years 2004-2010, enabled the cross-sectional view of the issues relating to selected aspects of economics and trade.
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Тематска област:
Government and economic development
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