The role of the local government in enhancing entrepreneurship exampled by polish cities

The role of the local government in enhancing entrepreneurship exampled by polish cities

1. Poplawski Wieslaw Tadeusz

Changes in the principles of economic life, resulting from the transformation of the political system, radically modified the development conditions for local communities in Poland. In the lives of local communities, the key role is now played by local governments whose powers and responsibilities are determined in relevant legislation. One of the main tasks of the local governments is to indicate directions for further socio-economic development and to ensure appropriate conditions for it. This is done primarily by creating an environment conducive to the development of broadly understood entrepreneurship and innovativeness. Local governments’ activities aimed at supporting entrepreneurship development may be analysed both in the internal and external dimension. The internal dimension covers the structure, functions and management processes within the local government’s office. The external dimension covers activities relating to local development of a given local government’s territorial unit.
In the above context, the aim of this paper will be presenting the role of the local government in enhancing entrepreneurship according to present situation in Poland and showing good practices of selected municipal offices which undertook some interesting initiatives aimed at business climate improvement.

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Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 15.06.2011.

Бр. отварања: 865


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