Weed control in poplar plantations

Weed control in poplar plantations

1. Ranko Sarić, JP Vojvodinašume, Serbia
2. Milorad Danilović, Шумарски факултет Београд, Serbia
3. Vladimir Ćirović, Шумарски факултет Београд, Serbia

This paper presents results of research of two ways of weed control in Populus x euramericana ’I-214’ and Populus x euramericana ’M1’ plantations. Weed control was carried out mechanically (hoeing the seedlings) and by using chemicals (glyphosate). The research realized in eight sample plots in the period from 2011 to 2016.
Weed control by using glyphosate was implemented in the circle area of one meter radius around the seedlings. This tending measure was implemented in 9% of total area size during the first three ages of plantation existence.
The herbicide effect on poplar growth was explored between the ages one and six. Tree diameter at breast height and diameter increment were significantly larger in treated sample plots than in the control plots.
Research results show that tree diameters in treated poplar plantations at the age of five and six are 3,4 – 4,3 cm larger. Savings achieved by using chemicals are significant.

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Тематска област: Узгајање шума

Датум: 08.09.2017.

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