Improving the enterprises efficacy by improving the working conditions in a context of accomplishing the competitiveness of enterprises and industries, is a key point of interest in business economy. Organizational efficacy is in the function of the relationships between workers and working environment, so good working conditions ordinarily results with numerous organizational benefits: better productivity, better use of organizational capacities, faster material turn, lower fallout, shorter delivery service, better working energy and health, lower apsentism, lower costs of work accidents and proffesional diseases, lower costs because of fluctuation and general improvements of satisfaction and workmotivation.
This study present the results of research in the field of basic elements of working conditions (temperature, humidity, ventilation, illumination, noise, vibrations, emission, cleanness, colours, tideness and organization of working place, and some other important, from workers mentioned working conditions) and organizational efficacy on the object of manufacturing enterprises in Splitsko-dalmatinska county (Republic Croatia).The measurement of basic elements of working condition is made by the created questionnaire for basic working conditions, and organizational efficacy is measured by means of the questionnaire of percipied organizational efficacy.
In the research is included 7 manufacturing enterprises of different areas of manufacturing with 150 examinees in Splitsko-dalmatinska county (the greatest county in Republic Croatia after the capital city Zagreb). It is confirmed the main hypothesis that in the manufacturing enterprises with better working conditions will be present the better efficacy and inversely. Also, there are determined the stimulating and less stimulating working conditions for manufacturing enterprises in Splitsko-dalmatinska county with suggestions for their improvements.
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