Zero carbon homes, cogeneration and organic agriculture as a methods of reducing CO2 emissions

Zero carbon homes, cogeneration and organic agriculture as a methods of reducing CO2 emissions

1. Andreja Stefanović, PE Urban Planning Directorate-Kragujevac, Serbia
2. Dušan Gordić, Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу, Serbia

Since industrial revolution human activities have contributed to climate change by adding heat-trapping gases to atmosphere, which increased the greenhouse effect and caused rise of Earth’s surface temperature. CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas emited through human activities that is contributing to recent climate change. This paper provides an overview of three methods for reduction of CO2 emissions: zero carbon houses, cogeneration and organic agriculture. The paper has shown that in addition to the direct replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources, as the main way of reducing CO2 emissions, there are other solutions that provide significant opportunities for energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions.

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Датум: 15.01.2013.

DEMI 2013

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