1. Željko Vukelja, ArcelorMittal Prijedor,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Dražana Tošić, Rudarski fakultet Prijedor,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Milanka Negovanović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia
Dust control in mines with surface exploitation mostly refers to the periodically sprinkling of haulage routes, landfills and stockpiles with water. The truck transport systems at the open pits are followed by generation of large amount of dust due to dampers and large trucks movement on haulage roads. The negative impact of dust is reflected in environmental pollution, human health impacts, traffic safety due to reduced visibility, as well as the length of equipment’s service life.
Due to the extreme dustgeneration from haulageroads in dry weather, dust control in such systems is most often carried out using water trucks. The use of waterdumpers and water trucksfor haulage roadswettingin addition to uneven sprinkling and deceleratingof other transport units in the system, causes high operating costs. Therefore, the idea was to install and run a test system on asection ofthe permanent haulage road at the open pitBuvač with sprinklersinstalled on one side of the road and to examine the functionality and cost effectiveness of this kind of dust control.
This paper deals with issues related to the hydraulic calculation of the sprinkling system, a review of equipment selection criteria, and issue analysis related to the functionality of the sprinklers and the water quality for this application. Technical solutions, guidelines and recommendations for the further development of this system at the open pit are proposed.
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Logistički procesi i ekološki efekti