Research of utilization of wood as renewable raw material in Slovakia

Research of utilization of wood as renewable raw material in Slovakia

1. Martin Moravčík, National Forest Centre, Slovakia

The presentation builds on the preliminary results of the ongoing research project aimed at the use of wood as a renewable raw material in the transition to a green economy, the main objective of which is to create an optimal model of wood use in Slovakia. It presents the results of the analysis of the production potential of Slovak forests and the prognosis of its development, with a particular attention paid to the possibilities of wood felling, its tree species composition and the representation of the quality grades of wood assortments. The analysis is based on the data originating from two sources of information: (i) summary information on the state of forests obtained from data of the forest management plans and (ii) from the National Forestry Inventory and Monitoring of the Slovak Republic, based on a mathematical and statistical methods of surveying the state and development of forests.
Since the start the project, the current material flows of wood in the Slovak wood-processing sectors have been identified and quantified to some extent. Consequently, the factors influencing the wood flows were determined. Based on the present state of wood utilisation in the Slovak Republic, a proposal of the simplified basic model of wood flows was developed. This basic model will serve as a reference basis for the comparison with other wood use options. The proposed structure of the model covers the flows of the three main groups of raw wood assortments: (i) roundwood, (ii) pulpwood, (iii) fuelwood and separate flow of forest chips. The wood flows cover the primary and secondary sources on one side, and their utilization on the other side through the flows of material, waste and energy. Apparent consumption (production + import – export) is taken to the account in the analysis of individual material flows.
Variant models of wood flows will be based on the proposed changes to the current state resulting from the analysis of factors affecting the flows of wood with the aim to achieve:
 optimal value utilisation of available structure of raw wood assortments,
 increased domestic level of wood consumption (export vs. domestic consumption),
 application of the principles of cascade wood utilisation with the priority to use wood in long life cycles,
 generation of energy primarily from wood waste, residues or recycled products,
 improvement in the carbon balance of wood use through the changes in the structure of wood products.
Carbon monitoring and quantification in individual phases of wood flows and harvested wood products (HWP) will be carried out for the purposes of modelling and optimization of wood utilization. For this purpose the existing approaches based on the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories will be used.

Acknowledgments: This presentation was created with the support of the project APVV-14-0869 "Research on the utilization of wood as renewable raw material in the context of green economy".

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: Korišćenje šumskih resursa i lovstvo

Datum: 12.08.2017.

Šumarska nauka u funkciji održivog razvoja šumarstva
25 godina šumarstva Republike Srpske

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