*** no_trans(meta_title_location, en )***: Hotel Mona

Hotel Mona

iladina Pecinara 26
Zlatibor, Serbia

00 381 31 841-021
: Venue



CONGRESS CENTER KOLEDO, with capacity of 500 seats in theater style, is located near the main entrance and it is connected with the lobby bar and the hotel restaurant. When needed, this multifunctional object can be separated in 2 or 3 independent units, which have comfortable entrance hall. The height of Congress hall is 5 meter, has a wonderful view of the forest, which makes it ideal for congresses, seminars or formal celebrations. The room is equipped with the modern technology, air conditioner, sound systems and lighting.

For the purposes of organization of large gatherings, congress hall offers possibilities of establishing exhibit area in foyers of congress hall and reception. 

For partial work or work in small groups, we offer a BUSINESS CENTER that provides 4 board rooms for 15 to 40 people in theater style. The halls are equipped with a computer, projector and screen, air condition, sound system, flip chart, etc.

Your place for meeting up to 500 people.

In congress hall KOLEDO we have following equipment:

  • Computer connected with the printer and internet
  • Sound system
  • Board for posters
  • Closed circuit TV
  • Flip chart
  • LCD
  • Project screens
  • Lap top computer
  • Simultaneous translation
  • High-speed bandwidth with possibility of live streaming


Other related services:

  • Organizing welcome cocktail
  • Working lunches, coffee breaks, formal dinners
  • Floral decoration


Geographic coordinates: 43.726413 , 19.697079

