Water management and environmental issue in correlation to food or energy production

Water management and environmental issue in correlation to food or energy production

1. Ivan Stevović, Innovation Center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Republ, Serbia

Water resources management is a particularly complex research area. Water is the basic substance on earth, which provides life. It is the living environment, the source of health and life. Every living being is mostly made up of water. Although man strives for the development of eco-materials and eco-technologies within his activities, many of his activities nevertheless threaten and reduce the amount of clean water on planet Earth. At the same time, water is necessary for food production. The construction of hydrotechnical facilities, such as dams and canals for irrigation and drainage, introduces into research the question of whether a cubic meter of water will be used for food production, or for the production of renewable energy, which is also necessary as electricity – paradigm of contemporary survival. Water makes and gives health and life, but it can also threaten it with its enormous destructive power. This research encompasses correlation within the water, food, energy and environment nexus. The main cause-and-effect relationships will be analyzed. Examples of positive practice from around the world will be given, as well as risk events in which water has endangered people and the environment, and vice versa, examples of human-made water pollution, with a discussion of remediation methods.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: SIMPOZIJUM C - Voda

Datum: 06.08.2024.

Contemporary Materials 2024 - Savremeni Materijali

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