1. Borislav Malinović,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Miomir Pavlović, Faculty of Technology - University of East Sarajevo,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Tijana Malinovic,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The research consisted in the application electrocoagulation process to remove cyanide from the simulated wastewater in a pilot plant, which is based on electrochemical flow reactor made of polyester in which has raised eight parallel electrodes. Results of electrochemical degradation of cyanide expressed through cyanide removal efficiency (Eu), current efficiency () and specific consumption of energy (WSP). At higher cyanide removal efficiency (Eu=47,43%), current efficiency is lower and amount 25,96% (j=10 mA/cm2, (NaCl)=2 g/L, t=30 min), or 29,36% (Eu=27,09%, j=5 mA/cm2, (NaCl)=2 g/L, t=30 min), respectively. On the other hand, specific energy consumption increases with an increase in removal efficiency. For removal efficiency Eu=27,09%, it requires Wsp=35,50 kWh/kgCN energy (j=5 mA/cm2, (NaCl)=2 g/L). Also, specific energy consumption is higher at higher current density (j=10 mA/cm2) and at the same concentration of supporting electrolyte (NaCl)=2 g/L was achieved Eu=47,43% with a specific energy consumption Wsp=110,52 kWh/kg. Electrochemical removal of cyanide can be successfully performed using electrochemical coagulation processes, and further research may focus on increasing the current efficiency and reducing energy consumption, which would further enhance this treatment.
Key words :
Thematic field:
Hemijsko inženjerstvo
XI Savjetovanje hemičara, tehnologa i ekologa Republike Srpske