A New Approach to TSC in Biophysical Processes

A New Approach to TSC in Biophysical Processes

1. Zoran Vosika, Serbia
2. Goran Lazović, Serbia
3. Lidija Matija, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Serbia

Nowadays, there is increasing interest for understanding the time-flowing in different biophysical systems. In the literature are different time scales, which can be investigated in unique way. By analyzing Time Scale Calculus (TSC) some deficiencies have been observed. In particular, a problem of inadequate description of degree functions generalization is identified. In this paper, the authors are proposing a new approach in TSC. Here, some of its properties (for example, the applicability of presented model to all time scales; topology of discrete version of our calculus is a generalization of the current topology of time crystals, possible new types of crystals, such as, for example, fractal or discrete-continual crystals, etc.) and possible applications are discussed.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: SIMPOZIJUM B - Biomaterijali i nanomedicina

Datum: 22.05.2017.

Contemporary Materials 2017 - Savremeni Materijali

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