Study of stained and unstained Pap smears using Optomagnetic imaging spectroscopy

Study of stained and unstained Pap smears using Optomagnetic imaging spectroscopy

1. Branislava Jeftić, Univeristy of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2. Gorana Nikolić, 3. Jovana Šakota-Rosić, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Serbia

Papanicolaou test is a conventional screening test used to detect cervical pre-cancerous and cancerous processes. A sample of cells from the outer opening of the cervix and endocervical canal is stained using Papanicolaou technique so the cells could be examined with a light microscope. In order to get good results, staining procedure must be optimally conducted. Otherewise, the chances of getting false negative results are increasing. In this paper, we’ve investigated unstained and stained Pap smears with Optomagnetic imaging spectroscopy to show that staining of cervical samples could be excluded from the test for cervical cancer detection. Results point the influence of overstaining on diagnostic decision, since diagrams depicting the Optomagnetic method applied on overstained smears are notably different from diagrams depicting the same method applied on normaly stained as well as on unstained smears. Since overstaining is one of the factors that lead to false negative results in diagnostics, investigation of unstained smears instead of stained smears could improve existing diagnostic techniques. The use of unstained smears in screening would also save time and resources, considering chemical stain and time needed for staining procedure to be done.

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Тематска област: СИМПОЗИЈУМ Б: Биоматеријали и наномедицина

Датум: 20.05.2013.

Бр. отварања: 243

Contemporary Materials - 2013 - Савремени материјали

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