еКонференције: Megatrend Univerzitet

Megatrend Univerzitet

Goce Delceva 8
Beograd, Serbia

00381 11 220 30 29
: Академска институција
: Мјесто одржавања



Megatrend University has been considered the leader in higher education for more than two decades now as far as Southeast Europe region is concerned. Over the period of past few years we have witnessed an extreme progress in overcoming barriers of spatial and cultural distances, as well as diversely facilitated access to information and its exchange. These changes are known by the name of globalization. The third and current phase of development at Megatrend, preceded by phases of gathering most excellent teaching staff and providing cutting-edge infrastructure, is the process of internationalization of Megatrend University operations globally. This phase is at the same time the last development phase of the University - because it proposes constant development and continuous evolution.


Гео координате: 44.831332 , 20.415642

Мјесто одржавања

ID Назив Почетак конференције
271 5th Eastern European Economic and Social Development Conference on Social Responsibility 21.05.2015.
