use of structural funds and their impact on economic development of countries in transition

use of structural funds and their impact on economic development of countries in transition

1. Mgr Justine Mirończuk

The paper will be presented to the European Union\'s regional policy, implemented in individual countries in transition and its effects in terms of equalizing differences in regional development. In the next phase of the paper will be presented the use of the different Structural Funds, as the European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund, its broken down by country and destination. The last element of the paper will attempt to assess the impact of the Structural Funds, submitted to the national economic development. The paper will use statistical data, analyzes and reports published by Eurostat, the European Commission

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: EU assistance (all forms) – positive and negative

Датум: 01.07.2012.

Бр. отварања: 392


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