The Importance of Regional Development in North Cyprus

The Importance of Regional Development in North Cyprus

1. Karen Howells, European University of Lefke , Cyprus
2. Branko Krivokapic Skoko, Charles Sturt University, Austria

Economically, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, as a de-facto state, endures relentless financial hardship, with international embargoes continuing for nearly 40 years. While the Republic of Cyprus joined the European Union in 2004, Turkish Cypriots were denied entry as an illegal state (although the people themselves are entitled to an EU passport). 2014 has been heralded as the year of reunification for Cypriots, and it is important to plan for the future and possible EU membership, where entrepreneurship will play a large part in strengthening the economy.

In the first survey of entrepreneurs in North Cyprus, mixed methods were used to collect data from 399 entrepreneurs in the region using a survey, as well as 30 in-depth interviews. Themes covered in the research study included entrepreneurial exposure, the determinants for business sector choice, motivation, and barriers to entrepreneurship in the region. In this paper, the data has been analysed and results presented with an emphasis on the current difficulties of entrepreneurs and what policies could be put in place to give support to entrepreneurs and to encourage nascent entrepreneurs to start up their enterprises.

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Датум: 22.01.2014.

REDETE 2014 - Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies

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