Women entrepreneurship in a fashion industry

Women entrepreneurship in a fashion industry

1. Senka Borovac Zekan, Croatia
2. Katja Rakušić Cvrtak

The importance of entrepreneurship has been widely recognized as an impulse to economic growth and their essential contribution to the economy. Today, the business environment is changing more rapidly. Competition in almost every industry has become more intensive. Considering the above, companies are becoming aware of the importance of adjusting their businesses to the target market in the best possible way in order to stay competitive.

Entrepreneurship in the field of fashion is a topic that, unfortunately, has not been targeted by a substantial number of authors. Entrepreneurship in the fashion industry represents a great challenge since the fashion business environment consists of many actors who are competing for the same market share. It is dominated by big players of the industries who put upon trends, and drive consumer preferences and the fashion core on a global scale. However, there is a great variety of small actors who compete in the fashion industry and contribute original concepts and ideas into the industry and they are the subject of this research.

Many fashion design entrepreneurs, who want to compete by running their own brands, are faced with many challenges including personal challenges and a variety of external obstacles. Running a stable venture within the fashion industry may be very complex and demanding, especially in a first few years of a new entrepreneurial venture. Very often additional barriers occur when it comes to women entrepreneurs. In many countries women decide to enter the business because of necessity, for example, when they stay out of job, instead of recognized market opportunities. However, there are many examples of successful women entrepreneurs, especially in demanding fashion industry who continuously succeed to run successful ventures.

This article seeks to analyze the factors of significant influence on the entrepreneurship in a fashion industry, with special emphasis on the characteristics of women's entrepreneurship and the challenges that women face when starting ventures in the fashion industry. The authors will use the case study method to present the examples of successful women entrepreneurs who continuously succeed to cope with the challenges of the fashion industry. Selected case studies will show successful business strategies for managing small business ventures in the selected industry.

The results of this study will be used in two ways. Firstly, the results will give clear guidelines to all business women, as well as those wishing to engage in entrepreneurship, what are the most common difficulties that they face in running their business as well as clear guidance on how to deal with them. Furthermore, this work will greatly contribute to the students of vocational studies in connecting and applying the knowledge they gained at the entrepreneurship course on the real life economy and even maybe encourage them to start their own businesses.

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Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 07.06.2011.

Бр. отварања: 813


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