The sector of small and medium enterprises in the development strategies of regions in Poland

The sector of small and medium enterprises in the development strategies of regions in Poland

1. Krzysztof Krukowski

Socio-economic policy in Poland since the beginning of the 90s tends to effectively increase the competitiveness of the economy at regional level. After the Polish accession to the European Union, regional development has gained special importance in particular for local authorities at regional level. One of the important areas of the regional strategy is the development of entrepreneurship, especially the SME sector entities. Providing indicators of the importance of this group of companies in the development of the economy shows the share of these enterprises in the creation of the Gross Domestic Product and participation in the creation of added value. The third important factor is the creation of new jobs. Factors supporting regional entrepreneurship should be based on the objectives of strategic development of the region and enable the realization of these objectives.
The purpose of the tests is to identify the specific characteristics of the strategy of regional development in Poland in the context of supporting the SME sector. The results of a comparative analysis of regional development strategies are presented in the areas of strategic diagnosis, mission, goals and systems implementation and monitoring strategies.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област:

Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 14.07.2011.

Бр. отварања: 711


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