Factors concerning the economic growth: HR development in institutions that support entrepreneurship

Factors concerning the economic growth: HR development in institutions that support entrepreneurship

1. Hristina Serafimovska

M. Sc. Serafimovska H.1, M. Sc. Stefanovska Lj.2, M.Sc. Ristova E.3
1 2 3 Goce Delcev University – Stip, Macedonia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Vinica, Macedonia, Goce Delcev University – Stip, Macedonia
E-mail: E-mail:

Abstract: Entrepreneurship is one of the driving forces for achieving high results within an economy. Starting from the development component as its basic feature, entrepreneurship is a key cause of economic growth and employment bearer. When we talk about entrepreneurship, a particularly interesting question is the one about its status in transitional economies, where due to the breakdown of large industrial facilities and the rapidly actualization of the sector of small and medium enterprises led to the emergence of a “spontaneous entrepreneurship”. This type of entrepreneurship has its features that don’t look like a mature enough entrepreneurial activity that relies more on intuition than on scientifically tested and proven actions and as such it continues to have its impact on the future development of the overall economy in these societies. This is why this issue deserves special attention.
One of the main obstacles, regarding the development of entrepreneurial climate, is the condition of the human resource factor (HR factor), which is part of the numerous administrative - bureaucracy factors and obstacles. Large number of failures are identified and determined in the policies for human resource development, starting from the primary selection of employees in already existing and working organizations and institutions, which reflects further working life of institutions. It also affects the process of creating entrepreneurial climate. For that purpose, we are stressing out the need of improvement in the area of the entrepreneurial supportive policies, engaging the entrepreneurial development, starting from the institutions which already are established and their main field of work is supporting the entrepreneurial development.
The whole approach regarding the improvement of the human resources is divided in two phases. The first one has its main focus on the employee selection process. The second phase is human resource development policies, within institutional frameworks. These two phases have a tight connection and are supported with accurate data which derives from our research, where the main focus is put on the current condition with the human resources factor in both, state and public organizations (state organizations which have a leading role in entrepreneurial development and private organizations as a carrier of the entrepreneurial development functioning) in the country. For that purpose, we point out the need and credentials for organizational restructuring with concentration on institutions that suppor

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Уводни рад: Да

Датум: 19.09.2011.

Бр. отварања: 711


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