1. Dražena Gašpar, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Mirela Mabić, Faculty of Economics, University of Mostar, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

The paper presents results of research related to the effect of managerial positions on academic careers in higher education made by the authors at the public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research was based on a survey of representative number of former and actual rectors, vice rectors, deans and vice deans at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors developed questionnaire in order to investigate the perception related to the effect of managerial position on development of academic careers in the public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Namely, today is not possible to think of a single field that has not faced yet the transformations triggered by global competitiveness. Higher education is no exception. The traditional system of education appears to be inadequate to keep up with the speed of developments and to come up with quick solutions. Surviving, performing and thriving on the global market largely depend on the capacity of the education system to adapt to the multiple changes in the environment. There is no surprise that universities must turn to a different managerial approach if they seek a higher rate of success and a high degree of competitiveness on the market. So, positions like rector, vice rector, dean or vice dean have become real managerial positions and full time jobs. But, at all public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina on these positions could be elected only academic staff with adequate academic titles, regardless to managerial knowledge and/or experience. Since managerial positions are full time jobs that do not leave a lot of time for academic work, it is not unusual that younger academic staff avoid these position because of fear that they could threat their academic careers.
Namely, promotion criteria for academic titles in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina are defined by lows (state, entity and cantonal) and they do not evaluate engagement on managerial positions like rector, vice rector, dean or vice dean, bur just contribution in academic field.
The aim of this research was to investigate what is perception of former and actual rectors, vice rectors, deans and vice deans related to the effect of their managerial positions to their academic careers.

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Датум: 21.11.2013.

REDETE 2014 - Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies

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