1. Cvete Dimitrieska, Tehnicki fakultet , Macedonia
2. Igor Andreevski, TFB, Macedonia
3. Sevde Stavreva, Универзитетот “Св. Климент Охридски” - Битола, Macedonia
4. Sanja P Vasilevska, Macedonia
Summary: Analytical solving of the equations’ system defining the fluid flow and heat transfer processes in a plate heat-exchange wherein the equations belong to the group of elliptical and parabolic ones together with the postulated boundary and initial conditions, represents a solution seldom encountered in a closed form. Hence the necessity of solving the system numerically, i.e. the need to perform a discretization of the equations.
When the equation systems concern specific engineering problems, especially ones having to do with solving of two-dimensional stationary problems, it is recommendable to solve the elliptical differential equations by means of applying a deduced method, to with, the Poisson’s formulation of streamline-vortex , , in a general two-dimensional form.
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Тематска област:
Energy and Thermal Engineering