1. Dušanka Lekić, Prirodno-matematički fakultet Banja Luka,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Sunčica Elezović-Hadžić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics, Serbia
3. Nataša Adžić, J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
We studied compact conformations of a ring polymer adsorbed on the non homogeneous (e.g. porous) substrates. Substrates are represented by the generalization of modified rectangular (MR) lattice – hierarchically constructed family of fractal lattices embedded in 2d space and parameterized with an integer p>1. Analyzing exact set of recursive relations for arbitrary value of p, we established asymptotic form of the number of conformations. As a correction to the leading exponential factor we obtained stretched exponential factor with the exponent sigma=1/2 on each member of the fractal family. Although it is believed that the critical exponent sigma on fractal lattices is determined not only by the fractal dimension of the underlying lattice but also by other lattice parameters, here we found that sigma has the same value on different fractals with the same fractal dimension (df =2).
Key words :
Thematic field:
SIMPOZIJUM A - Nauka materije, kondenzovane materije i fizika čvrstog stanja
Contemporary Materials 2015 - Savremeni Materijali