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Dragana Dimitrijević

Radovi autora

1] Dragana Dimitrijević INFLUENCE OF GREEN ROOFS ON RUNOFF WATER QUALITY" - Contemporary Materials 2017 - Savremeni Materijali, 02.10.2017.
2] Dragana Dimitrijević ANALYSIS OF CARBON FOOTPRINT METHOD-AN REVIEW " - 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 28.03.2017.
3] Dragana Dimitrijević WIND ENERGY POTENTIALS OF THE NORTHERN BALKAN MOUNTAIN" - 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 27.02.2017.
4] Dragana Dimitrijević Air pollution removal and control by green living roof systems" - 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 27.02.2017.
5] Dragana Dimitrijević Influence of a construction site to the immediate surroundings air quality" - 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 27.02.2017.
6] Dragana Dimitrijević A Numerical Study of Perforated Plate Local Heat Transfer Coefficient" - 12. Međunarodna konferencija o dostignućima elektrotehnike, mašinstva i informatike, 06.03.2015.
7] Dragana Dimitrijević Thermal characteristics and potential for retrofit by using green vegetated roofs" - 12. Međunarodna konferencija o dostignućima elektrotehnike, mašinstva i informatike, 03.03.2015.
Dragana Dimitrijević

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