- Work: Numerical methods of a quasistatic thermomechanical contat problem with friction

Numerical methods of a quasistatic thermomechanical contat problem with friction

1. Nicolae Pop

This paper proposes a computational method for analysing the behaviour of two elastic bodies
coming into contact with friction, obeying surface tractions, volume forces and thermal load.
Thermal load results from the computation of the distribution of the thermal field in the two bodies,
assuming the existence of a heat source. In this computation, attention is concentrated on the thermal
transfer through the contact zone using the thermal finite contact finite element and on quasistatic
contact condition between the bodies in the contact zone using the contact finite element, see[2].
A fully discrete scheme is proposed, using the finite element method for spatial approximation and
the Euler scheme for discretizing the .time derivatives, see [1].
Mechanical contact between the bodies will be analysed in following incremental stages. Firstly, the
displacement field and stress field will be determined. Here, attention is concentrated on the contact
zone, where will be use the finite contact element which will model the contact condition, low of
friction and the geometry of the contact interfaces. Secondly, from the thermal equation will be
calculated the distribution of the thermal field, then follows the alternative and incremental
computation of the displacement field and thermal field, for each time interval, since the thermal
contact resistance and geometry of the contact zone chance.
In the paper we use the penalized augumented Lagrangean method which combines penalty-duality
method for to impose on the contact boundaries intensions which serve as penalties, for the case
when the contact condition are violated, with Lagrange’s multipliers method. Also, Newton-
Raphson’s method is ideal for solving the iterative and incremental contact linearized contact
problem with friction and the heat generation for two bodies in the contact.
The formulated of this coupled problems leads to an algorithms efficient and yields deep insight into
the real physical behaviour of contact conductance. The implementation of this algorithm permits the
addition of the contact algorithm to any finite element code. Two numerical examples are included to
show the performance of the method.

Thematic field:

Opening paper: Yes

Date: 01.03.2011.

Number of visits: 772

11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

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