- Work: Defying Gravity ‒ A Minimal Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop Which Makes Robots With Arbitrary Morphologies Stand Up

Defying Gravity ‒ A Minimal Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop Which Makes Robots With Arbitrary Morphologies Stand Up

1. Manferd Hild, Neurorobotics Research Lab, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

The implementation of a so-called Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for autonomous robots is presented, which is minimal since it does not need any additional sensors ‒ the motor itself serves both as actuator and sensor. Although computationally simplistic, the CSL possess basal cognitive abilities. It is illustrated how robots with different morphologies and degrees of freedom always stand up from various starting poses, and reference the self-exploring abilities of the CSLs when
used within a specific learning paradigm (ABC-Learning). The presented framework is placed in context with existing approaches. Also, the branches of current developments of the framework are highlighted

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Date: 26.03.2015.

DEMI 2013

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