- Work: New Approach for Dessigning Robot Programing System Based On L-IRL Programing Language

New Approach for Dessigning Robot Programing System Based On L-IRL Programing Language

1. Vladimir Kaplarevic, Serbia
2. Marija Milićević, Serbia

L-IRL is robot programing language based on the procedural paradigm. Originally, L-IRL was Pascal-based programing language, but in the new version there are functionalities based on other modern programing languages. New language parser is formed as LR(1) type parser and written with tools such as Bison and Lex with the C++ progaming language. This aproach enables logical and functional separation between different phases of parsing and compiling. L-IRL is using XML as one of the main comunication tools between different elements of the system. XML is used as meta language for system specification file and as object code of the compiler.

Thematic field: Mehanika i konstrukcije

Opening paper: Yes

Date: 12.04.2011.

Number of visits: 643

11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

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