- Work: Statistical Cluster Mapping in Serbia

Statistical Cluster Mapping in Serbia

1. Dragisa Mijacic, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance

Ever since Michael E. Porter’s seminal 2003 article \"The Economic Performance of Regions\" on the link between statistical clusters, economic development and innovation, many others have emulated and expanded on his analysis using cluster maps and associated statistical techniques. The first cluster mapping analysis was carried out in Sweden in 2003, and this analysis paved the way for the European Cluster Observatory to conduct similar analyses across the EU countries. Cluster mapping analyses in the countries of the Western Balkans are missing, mostly due to the lack of the statistical data at the sub-national tiers of government. Within the paper I am going to present the results of recently conducted cluster mapping analysis in the Republic of Serbia at the NUTS 2 and NUTS 3. The analysis applied the cluster mapping methodology that is developed by the European Cluster Observatory and modified to fit the conditions of the Republic of Serbia.

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Opening paper: Yes

Date: 15.06.2011.

Number of visits: 748


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