Nonlinear inductance of the carbon nanocoiles

Nonlinear inductance of the carbon nanocoiles

1. Zoran Popović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics, Serbia
2. Tatjana Vuković, Physics Faculty, Serbia
3. Milan Damnjanović, Physics Faculty, Serbia
4. Ivanka Milošević, Physics Faculty, Serbia

Helically coiled carbon nanotubes (HCCNTs) could be used as a generators of a local magnetic field. Namely, due to their unique geometry electron flow naturally occurred along spiral path if voltage is applied. Field dependent current distribution as well as inductance is predicted in this quantum conductor. Despite slightly lower charge mobility found in HCCNTs compared to conventional straight carbon nanotubes, they are attractive as potential nonlinear nanosolenoid. Nonequilibrium electron distribution function dependence on electric field is determined during the diffusive electron transport, including only electron-phonon scattering mechanisms.

Кључне речи :

Тематска област: СИМПОЗИЈУМ А - Наука материје, кондензоване материје и физикa чврстог стања

Датум: 06.06.2017.

Contemporary Materials 2017 - Савремени Материјали

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