1. Gordana Stefanovski,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Introduction: The use of minaral water for prevention and treatment in the ancient world has been reviewed by many authors (1,2). Water was an integral part of the therapy of Hippocrates, Aesculapius, Galen and Celsius (1). Throughout the ages the interest in the use of water in medicine has fluctuated from century to century and from nation to nation. The (medical) world has viewed it with different opinions, from very enthusiastic to extremely critical, and from beneficial to harmful. Today, balneotherapy is receiving renewed attention from many medical specialties and health tourists, and having a revival. Same happens in our region which is rich in mineral waters (3). However, the exact therapeutic potential of balneotherapy still remains largely unknown. Better and more profound scientific evidence for its efficacy is therefore warranted. Properly designed, randomized, controlled studies are required in particular for effects on the common conditions treated by balneotherapy.
Objective: To present a brief history and recommendations for use of balneotherapy; to present scientific evidence for the efficacy of mineral waters from the relevant literature; to review studies about effects of mineral waters in Republic of Srpska ; to point out difficulties in conducting research in balneology (in our region) and conclude, through the discussion, with the recommendations for future work in this field.
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