1. Далибор Пешић, Саобраћајни факултет Универзитета у Београду, Serbia
2. Борис Антић, Serbia
3. Јелица Давидовић, Саобраћајни факултет Универзитета у Београду, Serbia
Problem: During the road accident the human body is exposed to large forces, resulting in injury and /or death. Because the design of the vehicle is not enough to protect passengers, were developed the use of restraint systems. Among others child restraint systems were developed to protect children as car occupants. Child restraint system mostly depends of usingrestraint system by other occupants.
Method: The data about the use of seat belts in passenger cars (front and rear seat) and child restraint systems (for children up to 12 years) in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, on three roads category (in a settlement, outside of a settlement, on a highway) were collected byobservation research. Dependence of use of child restraint system were determined by using correlation and other statistical tools.
Results: We found a positive correlation between observed indicators and among them the highest correlation was on the motorway. The highest positive correlation is between seat belts use in the front seat and use of child restraint systems for children below 3 years. Discussion: Similar to other experience, the biggest impact on the use of child restraint systems (for children up to 3 years) has the use of seat belts in the front seat.
Conclusion: The significance of this paper is reflected in the fact that the established correlation and strength between observed indicators, allow us to take the right measures and to properly select the target groups to raise driver awareness and reduce the consequences of accidents
Кључне речи :
Тематска област:
Безбједнији учесници у саобраћају
V Међународна конференција ''Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници''
Странице у зборнику:
207 - 212