1. Elizabeta Popova Ramova, High Medical School, Bitola
Background: The school screening for spine deformities is an important health activity where a large numbers of health workers, it burden with the cost of the activity itself, and the education of the staff. Bad postures are frequent last decades, because are increasing long bad positions and physical non activity by adolescents. The aim of our investigation was to determinate the bad posture level among school children by clinical examination tests. Material and method: Examination included 840 children age 6-15 years in nine classes of basic school, with examination of 4 clinical tests by standard way. Results: Test was the most positive in class 2, and test 1 was positive by 75% of population. The frequency of positive tests by classes was not significant p>0.05. Conclusion: Tests for School screening are only qualitative measurement and is not used for condition evaluation.
Кључне речи :
Тематска област:
Дјечија хабилитација и рехабилитација
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