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Total: 4196 IEEE format papers APA format Table format papers

[1] Stojan Srbinoski "Application of GIS applications in balancing the required quantities of water in the catchment areas and their management for the needs of the water management activities with emphasis on the management of the existing water supply systems" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[2] Danijela Rajić, Srđan Vuković, Svetlana Pelemiš "DETERMINATION THE RANGE OF ALPHA PARTICLES (Am-241) USING PIXEL DETECTORS" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[3] Marko Stepanović, Danijela Maksin, Ljiljana Janković Mandić, Tanja Brdarić, Danka Aćimović, Zvjezdana Sandić, Antonije Onjia "ULTRA-TURRAX ZASNOVANA DISPERZIVNA MIKROEKSTRAKCIJA NA ČVRSTOJ FAZI ZA ODREĐIVANJE METALA U FLAŠIRANOJ VODI " - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[4] Srđan Vuković, Danijela Rajić, Svetlana Pelemiš "NANOMATERIALS AS DRUG CARRIERS FOR CANCER THERAPY" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[5] Goran Kolarević, Dražan Jaroš, Dejan Ignjatić, Dragoljub Mirjanić "Tissue type determination based on Hounsfield units" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[6] Dijana Đurić, Neđo Đurić, Svetlana Stevović "THE IMPORTANCE OF THERMAL COMFORT OF THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT DURING SPATIAL PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[7] Vojkan Zorić, Jovana Zorić "FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF COLORED MATERIALS IN THE FIELD OF HIGH ENERGIES" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[8] Momir Đurović "Energy prospects in Western Balkan region-Montenegro case" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-06
[9] Stevo Jaćimovski, Siniša Vučenović, Jovan Šetrajčić, Jelena Lamovec, Goran Jovanov "TEMPERATURSKA ZAVISNOST TERMOELEKTROMOTORNE SILE KOD POLIKRISTALNIH GRAFENA" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-03
[10] Klemen Bohinc "Bacterial adhesion on different dental material surfaces" - Contemporary Materials 2021 - Savremeni materijali, 2021-07-02
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